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signed by Jenn on 10/25/02
That was a typo -- should have read "box". Yes, you are trapped in your small, reasoning, logical mind. Wisdom is not found in reason. Wisdom is found when you think outside the box. You don't seem to know the difference between the "letter of the law" and the "spirit of the law". You are trapped in your view of the "letter of the law". The "spirit of the law" is not found in logic or reason. The "spirit of the law" is found when you think outside the box. Reason and logic will enslave you, and have. This oriental saying describes it: "The mind is the slayer of the real." Guys, your minds are destructive and trapped you. Get beyond reason and logic and find freedom. The wisdom outside the box will set you free.  Work with some zen koans to get out of your mental box. Btw, who appointed you to be the guardians of those who believe the Ballards? Do you think they are stupid and cannot think for themselves and cannotlive their lives the way they want to and need you to show them the way? Gentlemen and Lady: Your arrogance has no limits.

signed by Dave on 10/24/02
You are trapped in a little bos (I don't know what 'bos' means---Dave) of your logical, analytical mind. Get out of it!---Jenn

This quite simply is the worst advice that could ever be given to anyone. God created us with a logical, rational analytic mind by nature. We all use reasoning constantly. You reason that you will not fall through a hidden hole in the floor down to a giant pit because the last few steps did not cause that nor did anything indicate that the next step will be any different. Reasoning is our very God diven nature. We use it constantly. You advise to 'get out of it'! Into blind faith? Are you reading what you type?

I sent you an email and requested a response to my discrepancies I have posted. I will reply in here as to your response.

signed by Dave on 10/24/02
I find it to be a bit more than coincidental that Jenn posted in here on the same day that the person who signed the guestbook with the name 'Aszaeth Amenra Astral Asharas' did. That person has left a rather destructive (in the I AM vernacular) e-mail address. Place your mouse arrow over the name on that guestbook entry and read the e-mail name that comes up in your lower left screen area.

Now read Jenn's comments noting the VERY intense amount of anger & hatred. Seems we have the filthy poster out in the 'Light" of day.

Anyone posting with such a vulgar e-mail shows nothing but contempt for another persons opinion. The poster obviously is an I Am student or they would not have taken the time to write such a comment and worse yet leave such vulgarity.

signed by Jenn on 10/19/02
Dear David,
You are trapped in a little bos of your logical, analytical mind. Get out of it! Listen to what Walt Whitman said (you know who he is, don't you!): "Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)" Song of Myself, #51.
David, grow up! Expand! Get in touch with your own M*U*L*T*I*T*U*D*E*S! Expand your Self! Don't bother with crap! Pay attention to the G*O*L*D!

signed by Jenn on 10/19/02
Dear Chris and Jenny,
Your favorite quote: "All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing," is excellent. Dear Chris, G*O*O*D M*E*N A*R*E C*O*N*S*T*R*U*C*T*I*V*E. Your web site is destructive, hateful, biased, opinionated, intolerant. You don't seem to know the difference between good and evil. Chris, you are wasting your precious time attacking people who are DEAD. Are you jealous of their legacy? Shame on you! Wake up and smell the roses! Get a life, man!

Jenn, you don't see the non sequiturs in your own statements. You are encouraging us to do nothing and let ignorance and evil have it's way with the minds and hearts of the vulnerable. For some reason, you are an apologist for the Ballards. They may well be dead, but their legacy of fear and confusion, to our knowledge, has caused many suicides, divorces, etc, the latest suicide being only 18 months ago. If you feel it is acceptable to not challenge the Ballard message when it is capable of such destruction, then your conscience is not as loud as ours. We stand by everything we have written on the site. And those who persist in criticising us for exposing the Ballards are welcome, like all others, to prove the Ballard message true and claim $10,000. If you cannot prove it true, then the Ballards have you in their reptilian claw grip. Let your support of the Ballards and criticism of us find validation in claiming the $10,000 we offer.

signed by Aszaeth Amenra Astral Asharas on 10/19/02
your site stinks

signed by A Relative on 10/17/02
A article by Robert Ellwood
entitled "Making New Religions: The Mighty 'I AM'".

> Then in July 1940 came a happening which Bryan could only insert
> in his work as a last-minute Publisher's Note. Edna Ballard, her
> son Donald, and a score of other prominent leaders of I AM were
> indicted for mail fraud. In essence, the charge was that they
> had devised the I AM religion knowing that it was a fabrication,
> and then used it as a means of garnering large sums by soliciting
> and receiving donations through the mails. The wife of a United
> States Senator from North Dakota testified that she had spent
> considerable amounts attending I AM classes hoping to cure her
> husband's blindness, without success. Many similar accusations
> were submitted. Counterbalancing testimonies on the part of many
> others were offered of the immense value of I AM. This was the
> case which was to end in the United States Supreme Court in a
> landmark decision.
> It was first tried in the US District Court for Southern
> California. There Edna and Donald Ballard were convicted of
> using the mails to defraud. In his instructions to the jury, the
> judge had said that the case could not be decided on the truth or
> falsity of the Ballards' religious beliefs, but only on whether
> they did 'honestly and in good faith believe those things'. If
> they did, he said, they should be acquitted; if they did not,
> they were obviously guilty of fraud. The jury evidently believed
> the latter.
> The Circuit Court of Appeals, however, reversed the conviction on
> the grounds that the judge's instructions were in error. It
> ruled that, to establish fraud in this case, the jury would have
> to take into account the truth or falsity of the religious
> doctrine or beliefs to show that at least some of its
> representations were patently false.

> The case finally reached the US Supreme Court in 1944. Mr
> Justice Douglas, a stalwart liberal, gave the majority opinion on
> April 24th of that year. It ruled that the Circuit Court was in
> error in requiring that the truth or falsity of the religious
> doctrines or beliefs be determined, for that power is not granted
> to any court or legislature by the US Constitution The Court's
> majority opinion proclaims:
> Heresy trials are foreign to our Constitution. Men may believe
> what they cannot prove. They may not be put to the proof of
> their religious doctrines or beliefs. Religious experiences
> which are as real as life to some may be incomprehensible to
> others. The religious views espoused by respondents may seem
> incredible, if not preposterous, to most people. But if those
> doctrines are subject to trial before a jury charged with finding
> their truth or falsity, then the same can be done with the
> religious beliefs of any sect. When the triers of fact undertake
> that task, they enter a forbidden domain. The First Amendment
> does not select any Two dissents were presented One, by Mr Chief
> Justice Stone, in concurrence with two other Justices, contended
> that freedom of religion was not at issue but that, when fraud is
> charged, the facts must be ascertained thus the District Court
> had acted correctly. The other, by MT Justice Jackson, another
> liberal, went beyond Justice Douglas to argue that not only can
> the courts not deteine the truth or falsity of any religious
> claims, they also cannot determine anyone's sincerity or
> insincerity in holding them, citing William James and other
> psychologists of religion on the subjective complexities of faith
> and unfaith. This too is an area beyond the cognizance of the
> law, and beyond simplistic issues of fraud. 'There appear to be
> persons let us hope not many' Justice Jackson wrote, 'who find
> refreshment and courage in the teachings of the I AM cult. If
> the members of the sect get comfort from the celestial guidance
> of their "Saint Germain," however doubtful it seems to me, it is
> hard to say that they do not get what they pay for...
> Prosecutions of this character easily could degenerate into
> religious persecution.'
> Justice Jackson thus contended that the whole indictment should
> be dismissed and 'have done with this business of judicially
> examining other people's faiths'. Justice Douglas' opinion,
> however, carried, and the case was remanded to the Circuit Court
> with instructions to proceed in accordance with the majority
> opinion and to consider further issues originally raised by the
> Ballards and not previously considered by the Circuit Court.
> Upon remandment the Circuit Court affirmed the original judgment
> of conviction of the trial court. The conviction was again
> reversed by the Supreme Court on December 9th, 1946, but on the
> basis of additional issues raised in the record. The majority
> opinion, once more delivered by Justice Douglas, cited the point
> also of civil liberties importance - that women had been
> systematically excluded from the convicting jury. This was,
> Justice Douglas argued, unconstitutional.
> Justice Jackson concurred, but on the different grounds of his
> earlier dissent, that the questions of religious truth and
> sincerity of belief at the heart of the case were beyond the
> jurisdiction of any court. Justice Stone and others dissented,
> saying that the jury selection process was neither illegal nor
> sufficient to reverse the case. They did, however, make a point
> of adding that if this case were to come before the high court a
> third time, the freedom of religion issue, presumably in the form
> consistently raised by Justice Jackson, would have to be faced
> fully. One now gets a feeling that others of the court are
> beginning to lean his way, and senses a hint to the prosecution
> in the lower courts that it might find better ways to occupy its
> time than in dragging this case out interminably with still
> further trials.
> The matter was dropped, though the movement was denied use of the
> mails until 1954. ...

signed by Uncle on 10/17/02
The characters I used (in the last post)for quoting made the words disappear:
Also I meant to say 'go' not grow. And I was talking about the 'Castrique clan'.
More ads:
Jan 1937


...Dr Bryan has rendered a great service to the cause of truth and sanity
by exposing what is perhaps the most "catching" superstition of the present
day. He shows that the Ballard writings and teachings are mostly pure
fiction filled with glaring contradictions and distorted presentations of a
few truths, filched from standard sources and diluted with the most
ridiculous occult rubbish ever put before a credulous public, and
spiritually and mentally destructive ...


Analysis by Dr.Gerald Bryan from the O.E. Library Critic

"In this brochure Dr. Bryan plucks another handful of feathers from the
plumage of those preposterous people the Ballard Trinity. Dr. Bryan
addressed a polite enquiry to Mr. Ballard, as to how it was that he could
have been in Chicago and in India at the same time, and he managed to sail
on the steamer Majestic on a certain stated date when the steamer did not
sail, then as certified by the Cunard-White Star office, and certain other
trifling inconsistencies.....

In a second chapter Dr.Byan discusses the Ballad theory of animals which
according to St.Germain, were created by two powerful black magicians. Says
the Saint (The Voice of the I Am, Oct., 1936 p.22):

"The last of the powerful black magicians have been seized, bound and
taken from the activity of the earth forever...
"While it may hurt some, the Mighty Truth is, that the animal forms were
created in the beginning, by these powerful black magicians."

Clearly then animal life is to disappear shortly from the earth. Dr. Bryan
without discussing the scientific absurdity of this proposition, calls
attention to the fact that if St. Germain is correct the writer of the book
of Genesis made a bad break when he stated (Gen., 1,25):

"And God made the beast of the earth after his kind and the cattle after
their kind, and every living thing that creepeth upon the earth after his
kind: and God saw that it was good. "

Clearly God was the black magician, and Saint Germain and the Mighty I AM
have gotten the better of him at last.....
Review of Bryan's book cont.
"The Ballard method of blasting with blue lightning and binding and
anathematizing everybody who opposes Ballardism comes in for another
chapter, and it is pointed out that these people are cultivating in their
dupes a psychology of destruction which, some might say, savors of black

" (His works) are a wholesale appropriation from the works of other
authors. It will be shown in parallel columns that Ballard has appropriated
words, phrases and whole paragraphs without acknowledgement. It has already
been mentioned that he owes much of his inspiration to the Arabian

signed by Uncle on 10/17/02
You say , but I thought there were two here; and Roy married Lillian when he was quite old. I believe Lillian's daughter was working as a teacher in the activity in America. I think there was some kind of personality conflict between Emil and Lillian, so Roy funded the new group.
Roy lived in a house overlooking the sea in Frankston. He called it . There is also a Teton crt. in Melbourne where Roy had his business .
Corrections: It was the O.E. Library Critic, not ULT pamphlet. You will find articles in about 5 of those from the thirties. One of the Theosophical Libraries may have them- particularly Pasadena or ULT branches. Also I meant to say  not .
You two (the Christian & the Lovely Jenny) do seem pissed off about the group, is it because,
a) You spent a lot of time and money on it?
b) You felt lied to?

c) Something else?

The Theosophical publication the O.E. Critic was of course quite critical of
Ballard at the time.

It is interesting that the true Masters reiterate time and again that they
do not found organisations let alone religions.

Quoted from: The O.E. Library Critic
(Oct. 1937): -

Besides being a transparent fraud, the teachings of the Ballards are
calculated to make their victims' brains ooze out at their toes. You have
but to attend a meeting or two to see signs of incipent madness. Dr Gerald
B. Bryan has shown them up in five excellent brochures ...

signed by Uncle on 10/16/02
I had some "I Am" experiences when I was younger. They were a small bunch- nice folks. I mean as groups grow you could do a lot worse: like Scientology et al. In fact the world would be a nicer place if there were more of those people. They didn't charge money for courses, they were vegetarians, didn't drink or smoke etc. etc. They didn't even advertise (though they did get a special dispensation when the opened the centre in Prince's Gate building Melbourne.) It  was on the thirteenth floor, with a great view. The money came from Roy Castrique- a wealthy businessman. Again, he made his wealth before his time in the I Am. He had a white Rolls Royce and the biggest diamond ring I've ever seen on anybody- it was set in platinum.

Well, you know I do believe old Gerald Bryan. I encountered someone on the internet who actually knew him.
You can find more about the Ballards in an old theosophical gadfly journal the ULT pamphlet.

I also knew a member of Thomas Printz's Bridge to Freedom. Father Divine's Peace Mission was another great little group. They once had a beautiful place in Elwood (Melbourne).  

Members of the I Am might like to check out "The Order of the Cross". They are another vegetarian group, but British based. Oh yeah I've been in 'em all. Seen it all.

Thanks for the comments Uncle. Your experiences parallel those of many of those who have been around for more than a few decades, and have their feet on the ground. We would be interested in talking to anyone who knew Gerald Bryan. We have only spoken directly with those who knew his wife. However, we have uncovered absolutely no evidence that he was lying, or had motive to lie, in exposing the Ballards. He was self employed and went to great lengths to reveal what he did.
Yes, we have met the Castrique clan, and attended Australian Conclaves. As you rightly point out, Roy made his money pre I AM. Funnily enough, so have most of the wealthy I AM ers we know of including Lyle Schrock, Jerry Craig, etc. What is even more pathetic is a lot of people who rose to prominence in the Activity were the surviving female spouses of rich guys. They all parade around in fine clothes and jewels pretending their I AM had provided it all. And yet, these same types are all well versed in the latest trend in potions for sore joints and upset bellies. So, seems even though St Germain could provide unusual wealth for these types, through the death of a hard working spouse, he couldn't stop these same people from developing arthritis and insomnia, incontinence etc etc etc.......

signed by Uncle on 10/16/02
Going after wealth and luxury by means of prayer is a bit crass isn't it? I mean, the wealthy of the world aren't all that "spiritual" are they? On the other hand some of the greatest of spiritual souls were dirt poor... gathering up their riches in heaven, unassailed by burglars, moths and rust. There have always been the spiritually selfish. In theosophy they are called the "Pratyeka Buddhas".
The Hindus had the right idea- when your young you don't need money, but as a householder - a parent - you need a lot to house clothe and educate your children. Later in life the Brahmin gave up all his wealth and lived the ascetic existence until death. God or Mammon, indeed.

signed by David on 9/27/02
The link from the homepage is called "ballard inconsistencies". This will take you to the list of difficulties that I have compiled. I didn't know if I made it very clear on my earlier notebook entry as to what "points" I was talking about.


signed by David on 9/27/02
To all I AM students who truly believe in the teachings of the Ballards I challenge you to read the comments that Christian has so kindly posted of mine. They are plain, simple and concise. Just like the I AM teachings are suppose to be. How can ANY student justify the comments of God Meru stating that he and the other great beings call on the law of forgiveness for their mistakes? Saint Germain states that mistakes cannot register in their octave. Both comments are from wholly perfect beings. Both cannot be true. At least one of the comments is false. Now we have perfect beings stating false testimony. Are they lying too? Or was it also a mistake when saint Germain repeatdly stated that he and the other great beings were perfect? A response is required for this. Notice that this is only one of the many points I wrote for that page.

I challenge ALL sincere I AM students to copy all of the points on the page from this site that I submitted and either here or to my email
(it represents pizza lord...I like pizza very much!) respond with your explanation.
If you truly care about life and your fellow man you would desire to see an ex-I AM student or a confused one who reads that page to be set straight and brought back to the light.
If you don't help a fellow student through these difficult points then you are letting your fear & pride get in the way of your loving kindness.


signed by Bernd prokop on 9/26/02
I am from Germany, have been a member of the "I Am Activiy" from 1985 to 1987, have been trice to America, seen everything that was going on in this Organisation and can  only tell of good results received through this organisation.  As in every organisation the reality is something different from the ideals. But the message is truth and the ideals are the most pure found on this earth. It is to everyone´s own intelligent application and will to receive the right result. What I read from you is only criticism. Do you have something better? Do you think psychology has ever really helped anyone? If so, you just lack the understanding necessary to get the truth given in the books of the masters.

Thankyou Bernd. From what you say, you are no longer an I AM student, as you state you were only one from 1985-1987. The I AM Activity is supposed to be a life commitment. I would be interested in hearing why you are no longer in it. What you say above is an apology for why students don't outpicture all the Ballards emphatically said one could. They were resolute in their belief that any I AM student who applied the law would have success beyond their wildest dreams, and know limitless wealth, unfailing youth, and be able to reverse old age. I will remind you that the Ballards themselves never achieved this. If you want to rationalize your little bit of worldly success as proof the Ballards had the highest teaching on the planet, then you are turning a blind eye to all the students who never achieve what the Ballards said they could. If the Ballards had a perfect pure teaching, then all of it should be right, not just the bits you decide you feel are right. May we remind you we still have the $10,000 we offer to any I AM student who has attained extraordinary youth. Yes, we are critical, but after seeing the devastation the teachings create, and with no apology from the St Germain Foundation, would you prefer we be silenced?

signed by Christian D.- on 9/23/02
If anyone is a "loser" it is YOU. The fact that you
are calling me a loser shows that you have lost the
argument because you know I am RIGHT. Anyone who took
a college level Debate class knows, that when someone
resorts to calling the opponent names such as "loser";
"retarded" etc it means that they have LOST the
argument and they are desparate for something to try
and validate their argument and that is you. You are
just like all of the rest of the wimpy left-wingers on
this planet, deep down inside you know that you are
wrong and you cannot beat your opponents on the FACTS
and so you resort to name-calling.

You know that you cannot argue with SUCCESS and that
is why you are going to delete my entries. My entries
do not help your cause, they hurt it, because everyone
can see that I am living proof of the reality of these
teachings and because someone is willing to stand up
and confront you in your ignorance, people know that
you are a sham with not a shred of anything to support
your baseless claims. I have never received ONE EMAIL
from ANYONE who was "opposed" to the teachings or the
I AM Activity. This tells me that NO ONE really cares
about your websiste, no one believes you, because if
they did they would "flame" me over email. BUT I hAVE
received numerous emails from people who are I AM
Students, thanking me for standing up for the
teachings and standing up to the ignorance that you

The only people who wont debate or argue publicly, are
FACTS. AND THAT IS YOU. I havent tarnished anything; I
have stood up for my religious beliefs and have gained
respect for it. Im not going to sit around and let
someone such as you two people, BASH my religious
beliefs. The TRUTH hurts doesnt it? I WON THE DEBATE.


Christian D.,
-you were the first to use loser.
-you have not once used evidence of where we are wrong, and where the I AM teachings are universally right. Your only evidence the I AM is real is your Mercedes Benz and your move in to an IT career. It seems you have trouble recognising other I AM students get sick, poor, old and die, despite years of decrees. If you haven't anything intelligent to say, then please stop posting. We will start deleting your posts if they persist with schoolyard insult.

signed by I already told you... on 9/10/02 previous postings, that I DID my research YEARS ago and because of that research I know that You are WRONG, and the TEACHINGS are REAL...and so are the Ascended MAsters, etc.

'Nuff said.

Ahhh...all is clear now. You are Christian D. from Naperville, Illinois, the computer repair boy for FTD, who believes driving a Mercedes is the epitomy of successful decree use. And denies there are any sick old I AM students who don't raise their bodies into the Ascension.

signed by Ha! on 9/8/02
Listen buddy Im not angry at all! Im just sitting here doing some research over the internet waiting for something to download and needing a good laugh, and its going to be at YOUR expense. I just think its funny that all this time you could have been working on your Ascension, working for the manifestation of your decrees instead you have nothing better to do than to sit around and work on a website attacking other people's religious values, especially a religious activity that is COMPLETLEY constructive, DESPITE the weak-sauce comments from you and the other Non-I AM Students in this guest book. I thought the Middle East was the only place that people were intolerant of other people's religious beliefs.

If you think I am just going to sit around here and let some yokel attack my religious values then you are WRONG. I take offense to you calling the activity that I happen to love very dearly, a "cult", and this website is an INSULT to my intelligence.

We would be happy to review the evidence you provide to support your perception of the facts behind your faith. If you cannot supply these, then we will assume all your beliefs are a matter of blind faith, and therefore beyond rational discussion. Your comments to date are the puerile emotive rantings of a developmentally retarded prepubescent and demonstrate absolutely no grasp of the inductive logic espoused by Sir Francis Bacon (aka your St Germain). If your surrender to animal rage and school yard bully insults represent the successful use of I AM decrees, then let others judge the I AM Activity on those fruits.

signed by It doesnt matter what my name is!!! on 9/8/02

Why would I need to do that? Your website has already proved that you know nothing about what you are talking about!  Get a life, LOSERS!!!

You are obviously having trouble using enough Violet Flame to dissolve criticism and anger.

signed by This website is CRAP!!!! on 9/7/02
This website is PURE CRAP!! From reading the statements of the individuals who are maintaining this poorly designed website, they obviously know NOTHING about the teachings and know nothing about the activity. Half of the things mentioned in this website, as well as the Gerald Bryan material are either: HALF-TRUTHS, LIES, DISTORTIONS, OPINIONS and things that have absolutly no connection with what REALITY is.

You know, its funny that the small amount of people who actually post stories here of "relatives" who were I AM Students, etc, all seem to have a similar was always the "poor crazy aunt" who "died of cancer" etc etc. I think that the authors of this website are actually the ones posting these boo-hoo stories about poor, batty Aunt Mildred dying of cancer. The 2 unfortunate fools who maintain this website cant even find anyone with anything really bad to say about the activity so they MAKE THESE STORIES UP...either that or the people who post them are NOT I AM Students and have ZERO understanding of the Teachings or the Activity and have NO CLUE as to what they are talking about.

I first saw this website several months ago, had a few laughs and I have to say that attacks on the I AM Activity are nothing new. Anyone can create some website on a cheap hosting company and then run around thinking they are special, guess what...YOUR NOT DOING ANYTHING NEW.

So anyway...ALL of my decrees STILL WORK...the VIOLET FLAME is STILL REAL and when I use it I FEEL GREAT.

To anyone who visits this website and reads these postings here: Go ahead, think it thru and believe what you want but I myself am EXTREMELY happy with the results I have gotten from my DECREES...ALL of which, have manifested. As a matter of fact, since the last time I visited this site, things I have decreed for have MANIFESTED.

Isnt it a great feeling when you are proven RIGHT???

Naperville Illinois boy, a website with evidence methodically disproving all Gerald Bryan has written would validate your beliefs moreso than what you express above.

signed by Eduardo Oliveros on 9/7/02
website http://GOOGLE.COM
                EDUARDO, VENEZUELA

Eduardo, we believe many of the things said by the Ballards were not on the mark. They were people under significant stress, and were not Ascended when trying to spread the word of God. They had not enjoyed an easy life, and were susceptible to many shortcomings. Nevertheless, the feelings and aspirations they inspired in many are real and good on the whole. However, the true wise way to follow what the Ballards may have met is not to blindly obey some rules laid down dogmatically 70 years ago. But to still your emotions and intellect, and get in touch with the love that flows within your heart. This love is the source of all you are looking for, and will help dissolve the confusion your busy mind feels at the moment.

signed by Liz on 8/17/02
Many thanks for your patience as I ask questions.  My uncle, (brother to my I AM aunt), died this week after a long struggle with cancer.  Over the length of his illness as we sat with him, all of our family had gradually accepted that his death was inevitable.  My aunt seemed to be the only one unable to grasp this, and consequently, she is having a most difficult time of it now that he has passed away.  I am sure some of her difficulty is normal grief as she loved him very much ---- but also she must be struggling with the inconsistencies between reality and her I AM instruction that seems to guarantee no aging or affliction of any kind.  Can you help me gain some insight into what she may be dealing with?  What is an I AM student to make of death?  Thanks again for your kind assistance.  Liz

No problems with patience Liz. Sincerity is hard to disguise or fake. One of the many things the Ballards were naive about is the vulnerability of human nature. That is what allowed them to take such a fascist approach to Spirituality. In their personal lives, they exhibited few signs of compassion and understanding of the frailty of the human psyche. Instead, humanity were a cesspit of evil that one needed to defend and armour oneself against with years of decrees. Your Auntie seems to be a vulnerable personality who has taken refuge in the black and white adversarial picture of life painted by the Ballards. I can only encourage you to keep treating her with compassion and gentleness. You are a wise and well meaning Soul Liz, and I know your sensitivity to God's Will is strong and clear. Ask for guidance specifically, then MAKE the time to be still and listen for the promptings that will surely come. God desires you to be an agent of loving change for your Auntie. And the best way is to show her unconditional love flows more from insightful Christians then from the hard cold Ballard delusion.

In God's Love

signed by Marie on 8/13/02
Just a quick comment...I am an I Am Student and have been for quite some time.  I find it interesting that you are critical of this religion.  It's obvious that you and the so-called "ex-I AM Students" haven't actually spent time reading those books and took time to put forth some of the things the books suggests.  There are many I AM Students that have had many wonderful things happen to them.  Would most of you believe it anyway if those wonderful things were told?  I think not.  
If someone was eternally youthful and beautiful and claimed her age was 80 but looks 30, would any of you believe?  I think not.  
I think many of the ex-I AM Students expected wonderful things to happen immediately, and if they don't, get frustrated and think it's a fraud.  
I was originally brought up Catholic by my parents.  I can't say I believe a lot of what I was taught in that religion.  But, what it comes down to in all religions, even the "I AM Activity" is Love, Harmony, Forgiveness,Respect others as you would want to be.  Live this life as if you were God living in the human form.  It's not hard.  
The I AM Activity has never, never forced anyone to give money or even go to church.  Can you really call that a cult?  We all have free will.  There are no such things as cults.  
Thanks for listening!  Have a great day.

thanks for writing Marie.
#So are you a 100% student who goes to class three times a week? Or is that too hard?
#There are many I AM students who have had a lot of bad happen to them (even after decreeing for 60 years) but use your free will to ignore that if it helps your faith.
#We all have free will? At what age do we all get free will?And do you consider the free will of a healthy rich person and a depressed poor minority person equal?
#"there are no cults"?. There were a lot of children killed at Jonestown Marie. But you may have lived too insular a life to know about that.

signed by Liz on 8/11/02
Thanks so much for your response.  Let me get something straight, though. . .is your position one that challenges all claims of channeling and the whole Ascended Masters concept --- or simply the Ballard's imperfect way of living up to their claims of truth.  In other words, are the I AM activity practices and beliefs still valid even though the Ballards were fakes?  I'm getting mixed messages: on the one hand it sounds as though you believe that Saint Germain and others are real and are at work, and on the other hand that the whole thing is myth.  Thanks in advance for your help.  Will be so eager to read your response when I return from family vacation!  Many thanks, Liz

Liz, thanks for your continuing interest. The purpose of this website is to expose the damage we have witnessed done to vulnerable individuals by the Ballard teachings. In this context, we are focusing on analysing the evidence that the Ballards either lied or told only absolute truth. To us, there is irrefutable evidence the Ballards lied or, in the face of abject poverty, surrendered their wills not to God, but to a sinister energy that continually changes its stance. The most compelling evidence of lies is the plagiarism of 6 other books by the ballards in writing Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence. We are currently meticulously cross referencing materials and revealing even more damaging evidence than Gerald Bryan originally uncovered. This will be published in time.

As for where we stand on channeling, we believe there is no St Germain; that God can communicate directly with a person's conscience, and doesn't need to take over an unreliable muddled human brain to channel a message for a third party. The Catholic church never canonized a Saint Germain and the Protestant church doesn't cannonize. St Germain is the name a 17th Century adopted child took up inspired by a few years he spent in the Italian town San Germano.

Nor do we believe in many of the other Ballard Masters such as Great Divine Director, RayoLight, David Lloyd, Beloved Bob, Rose of Light, K-17, Pearl, Rex etc etc. Every channeler I have experience with speaks vague flowery psychobabble, and being all knowing, would NOT know the maximum number of electrons possible in the third orbit of an atom, nor what an Archaeopteryx is.

Usually, money motivates channelers. They don't work happily full time in the world like the rest of us. Nor is their Spirit Guide smart or all seeing enough to help the channeler set up a legitmate sustainable business that can employ others. The latest Ballard offshoot is Craig Russel. He makes a business out of selling tapes of channelings of some new angel Master never mentioned by the Ballards called Akasha (a play on Akashic Records). Being an I AM student, Craig is careful not to channel St Germain.

Craig's monthly tapes are consumed with fervant anticipation by the gullible (97% women) all over the USA, as they wait for the next exciting monthly installment of what is going to happen in the future. Retrospectively, Craig likes to turn his vague pollywaffle doom and gloom inferences into proof he predicted Sept 11 and such. It is pathetic soft headed stuff and Craig would do better to reclaim his will by going and doing something grounding like picking up a hammer and building affordable accomodation for the needy.

I think the whole obsession with channelers is that conventional religion has been so diluted that the experiential is downplayed or treated with suspicion. And yet, as humans we need it to consolidate faith.

You also have to remember a lot of non Christians would consider the Bible as channeled. And doesn't the Catholic Church accept that the Pope can receive messages for others from God?

signed by NA on 8/11/02
website NA
"...a deviant homosexual preying on the underpriviled of third world countries."  "Deviant," give us a break.  The I AM Activity is evidently trouble enough without this crap.

Which part are you having trouble with? that you consider no homosexual (at least in Seattle) is capable of deviant behaviour, or that you consider all homosexuality as deviant behaviour?

signed by Liz on 8/10/02
Very interested and thankful to discover this website!  As a Christian I have been deeply disturbed and concerned about my aunt's decade long involvement with "I AM Activity" as well as the insidious nature of New Age thinking on our culture. I would very much appreciate answers from this site's authors to a couple of questions.
1. Are you --- and other ex-I AMers --- practicing Christians subscribing to the basic tenets of biblical theology, ie, Bible is God's only holy Word; God is one in three/a Trinity; the diety of Jesus and that his crucifixion and resurrection make all believers righteous in God's sight; etc? If so, how did you make the leap from the false teachings of Ballard to the truth of the Bible and our Lord?
2. My aunt contends that "I AM" Activity is Christian, presumably because the Ballards call Jesus Christ an Ascended Master.  Yet she seems completely unfamiliar with the Bible and its authority as the irrefutable, inerrant and only Word of God. Are "I AMers" forbidden from Bible study?  Is the Ballard literature their ONLY source of authority?
3.  When my aunt is mumbling under her breath, is she saying decrees?  What is her purpose in doing so?  Who does she think she is communicating with?  God?  Jesus?  St. Germaine?  Herself?
Well, that's a start. . .I'd greatly appreciate your response.  Many thanks for your work and time.  Liz

1. Liz, we can't speak for all ex I AM students. Personally, I am sure Jesus' message was never intended as a totalitarian 'with me or against me' ultimatum. The Bible is open to interpretation. That's why there is more than one Christian denomination, and partly explains why many brought up in Christian environs are attracted to alternatives like the I AM Activity. Unfortunately, many times people do not find in Christian chruches the love, wisdom, support, and acceptance that Jesus wished we aspire to.

2. As we say in the web site, the Bible is not studied in the I AM. I think its position within the I AM is similar to the Old Testament in Christianity. A Christian has no need to take counsel from the Old Testament, as the book was written under a previous dispensation of Light from God. Jesus brought a new law of grace which absolved one of sin, and did away with "eye for an eye" justice. Similarly, The I Am teaches that St Germain heralded in yet another dispensation. which offers more 'Light' than Jesus brought. However, a calm rational analysis of the I AM finds no difference between the Grace brought by Jesus and the Violet Flame of St Germain.

3. Your Aunt's mumblings may well be 'decrees'. Decrees are supposed to be prayers given in a spirit that accepts God has answered the decree even as we make it. The point is to get our recalcitrant human consciousness to align and accept God's presence and superiority over the ignorance and evil that has led to the conditions we pray/decree to be free from. You might get the point if you think about how you pray. I am sure you know that some of your prayers are half hearted and unbelieving, whereas when you are really fearful for your life or loved ones, your prayers are given with much more energy, concentration, passion.

signed by Jenn on 8/8/02
Hi! I have studied the Ascended Masters teaching for over thirty years and never have I mistaken the channelers for the Masters. Human beings are fallible by definition, including the beloved Ballards. Students must use common sense. Students must use what we like and leave the rest. For me the best channelers are Edgar Cayce, Alice Bailey, and the Ballards. Perfection belongs to God, not human. It is our job to use discernment and to spread the light. It is far better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Thankyou Jenn for your recommendation to light a candle rather than curse the darkness. However, another piece of wisdom is pertinent in this case: "For evil to succeed, good men must do nothing." If you are familiar with the Ballard teachings, they were very big on "doing something" in the face of evil, rather than sitting back with sanctimonious indifference, as the Catholic church did for decades with paedophilia.

Let's face it Jenn, there are times when God/good has to express through humans. I would be interested to hear how you would apply your piece of advice to stopping terrorism in the USA. Or for that matter, as you work for the UN, what your justification was for UN forces allowing years of genocide to go unchecked in Bosnia/Herzegovina.

And further, what your stance is, as a UN staffer, on the Ballard's/Ascended Masters' racist teaching that Blacks not be allowed into white I AM sanctuaries. You might also then offer your opinion on why current I AM students have reversed this original stance.

You see Jenn, even the Ballards recommended their students "curse the darkness" by belting out decrees for hours and hours in a psychic fight against the sinister forces. Your stance is that students should not do this, but rather just ignore the darkness, and decree for goodness. Let's face it, when you examine the Ballard teachings, there is more human imperfection in them than the direct voice of God, as the Ballards would have the world believe.
Your comments that students should discriminate in deciding what are mistakes and what are not in the I AM teachings would have the Ballards turning in their graves. They always emphatically stated ALL the teachings were the perfect word of God.

signed by Max Buckhotlz on 8/1/02
Thank you for your work. My ex-wife is a fervent student of the I Am Discourses. I believe that many of the problems in our marriage stemmed from the influence of these teachings. She could not appologize for anything and could never admit to making a mistake because of the perfection of the mighty I AM presence and the invocation of the violet flame that removes all past transgressions and karma. She was extremely intolerant, negative and without empathy when I discussed casual drug use that I partook in earlier in life. Because the I AM presence is all sustaining, emotional support for one another was unheard of in this relationship. I was told that I would be divorced if I chose to have pets after my cats which I owned prior to the marriage died.  Animals were not to be a part of our relationship.
A healthy sex life and mutual exchange of physical energy was not deemed as important either.
I was her third husband, she has had financial problems for years and still has many unpaid debts. In short life has been hell for the past five years with this women and I truly attribute alot of this to the I AM teachings. Early in our relationship she showed me The Magic Presence from which I sensed an air of falseness upon reading it. I have dabbled in Christian Science and numerous esoteric texts. I try to gleam positive aspects from many different areas. Recently upon reading the obvious factual history of the deceptiveness and criminal nature of the Ballard's I now know why I felt an aversion upon first being exposed to their teaching's. I also see how the vibrational field established by these teachings resonates with such conflict and negativity. Thank you for your work again.
Max Buckholtz

Max, believe me when I say the pattern you describe is the rule, not the exception in marriages where only one is an I AM student. You have hit the nail squarely on the head in describing the uncompromising, self absorbed, cold hearted, egocentricity the Ballards foster. The only kind word I can give you Max, is to repeat the advice of Mrs. Ballard, and encourage you to leave this I AM student. You would be doing her lifestream a huge favour in allowing her to become totally dependent on the I AM teachings, and draw her supply out of thin air. Whatever karma imposed the Ballards on her would surely be burnt off more quickly if she was forced to reconcile the Ballard teachings with reality. I am sorry to say this Max, but the Ballards also said if one had to divorce, then let them not go and get remarried, but rely on the Ballard teachings 100%. Did your wife know that?

signed by Everett L Wells Jr on 7/21/02
I had an aunt named Marie Yates(married name)her maiden name was Cooley, (I am not sure).I was about 8 years old saw marie reciting something in a private room, I saw a picture of the Ascended, i vaguely remembered it, I was looking for it and found it. I have some ( a few..) with the I AM Students, in Oregon. She was born in Montana, and the I AM activity was there. Maried died with heart problem, was cremated and the jar of ashes was in the house, I dont know what happened to it.
She had two children, one was a cousin of mine ishe was my favorite, and she had other kids, all grown up. Since I am deaf, and the small puzzles came to fit in, I learned why my other aunt getting in the spirituality cults, etc., My mother was a christian, I could talk a lot more, so.. if you need more info I ll try to get the data in. let me know...
Thank you for bringing it in.
Best Wishes, Everett.

Hi Everett
Thanks for the interesting story. You confirm another I AM student did not raise her body into the Ascension. Hmmmmmm.....It seems the score regarding bodily ascensions is:
DUST TO DUST: >3000 confirmed
Don't go to too much trouble digging up old memories from your relatives Everett. But if it is convenient, we would appreciate any information they can provide you on the life of your I AM Auntie. i.e. when she was in the I AM, how her life turned out. If it is personal, you can use the email address under the contact link.

Thanks again and God Bless you Everett.

signed by Christian D. on 7/19/02
Well really this could go on and on. Obviously you have your experience and I have mine. If you really feel that this whole thing is a sham, then you are entitled to those feelings and if you really feel that there are people who have somehow been hurt by the Activity and your mission is truly to help those people then I commend you. (I am the first to admit, that CUT, an organization that simply DID steal the books from us, was and is a CULT, that HAS hurt a lot of people. But we are in no way affiliated with them and have successfully taken them to court numerous times.)

But when I worked for the Saint germain Foundation, I knew Lyle Schrock as well as other people who are now the "big players" including Mrs. Craig (the current Messenger). I directly had my hands on the financial activities of the Foundation...I used to cut the checks of whom they were paying on a regular basis, that was my job. I saw almost every letter of correspondance to come thru the Foundation and I never saw any correspondance relating to people begging us to let their relatives go, or any issues that anyone had with us as being a cult etc. No one was specifily "hurting". I was paid a market wage for my salary. The Foundation is a Not-for-Profit charitable organization whose goal is to oversee the publishing and distribution of the materials, we are not a "church" such as the catholic church, set up with a hierarchy and an authority over lower ranks of priesthood, who then have authority over the followers.,

Each sanctuary is an autonomous group of students, the Foundation acts as a guide and just lays out the Outline for everyone to follow.,

Regarding the email you sent, yes I left my email on here but you sent me an email telling me to "say hi to Bob Norton"...the CEO of the company I work at. In order for you to know that name, you would have to know where I work and the only way for you to know that is to trace my IP Address. Considering that you guys are located in Australia it means that in order for you to know "Bob Norton" it just shows that you guys had to trace the IP Address. It was simply an effort to intimidate me, which is why I have a reason to question your intent on helping with this website.

However I dont mean any harm to either of you, we just dont see eye to eye on this. I have said my piece and I am going to go about my business,


Hi again Christian D,

1. CUT didn’t steal any books from the I AM. They made up their own version of St Germain dictations out of thin air like the Ballards. In fact, most of the I AM books weren’t written when the Prophets set out. This is one of the reasons the Prophets were so nefariously successful. The I AM did not have the resources to publish dictations at all or in sufficient quantity, and the Prophets (as well as Alice Luk and Geraldine Innocente and the Johnnie come lately Craig Russel) thought they would try and get some Masters' words published and distributed to the broader public. The Prophets were also successful because Edna lost a lot of credibility when Guy died, after he said he had a body of light that no karma could register on after his Shasta experiences.

2. Christian, we also knew Lyle Schrock, and both his wives, which is peculiar as the Ballards advised every good student not to get married. Are you married? Seems to be a trend in the I AM these days. Seems the rules the Ballards brought out originally are being gradually eroded, by whom and on who’s authority I wonder. What is the latest policy on letting marijuana smokers into standard sanctuaries? As for Lyle, a charming man, though he was known to bully his way around Chicago restaurants, instead of relying on his Presence to get him the best table. And I hope you don’t believe he got rich by decreeing. He told us his life story on several occasions and he was already on the path to wealth when in middle school. As for Jerry Craig, well what can be said. Those in the know knew about his dark side; as well as Beloved Frederick’s. But if you spent time in the Inner Sanctum, then you would have known all about this. Headquarters was a cesspit of gossip and intrigue. Which confirmed to me the truth in the old saying “no one who wants to be a leader should be allowed to lead”. They are usually more ego and bad judgement than Presence.

3. In relation to the Activity never hearing about students who were hurt or from disturbed relatives, reread Bryan’s book to get an idea of the number of divorces caused in the early days, then reread the story about the section of the website “reality bites”. Why would a person who has lost faith in I AM Activity go and ask Chicago headquarters for advice? It is a non sequitur, if you think about it. I also have received over 10 emails in the short life of this website from spouses of I AM students who went right off track and strained their marriage, in most cases beyond repair. Jenny and I have counselled over thirty couples whose marriages broke down due to the lack of wisdom and compassion in the I AM teachings, and made worse by dim witted bitter old lady sponsors. We know many families who are no longer in the I AM, as they gave years of decrees only to have fate deal them financial hardship and ill health. We know many sponsors who died prematurely like Lyle of diseases such as cancer and stroke and heart attacks.

4. As for each I AM sanctuary being an autonomous group, are you sure you worked at headquarters? You might get in touch with the Vancouver group sponsor and find out why they found it necessary to form a corporation. As for headquarters just laying out a guideline, I think this is understating matters somewhat Christian. I have heard of individual sanctuaries being threatened with exclusion from the Activity or sued if they did not tow the company line.

Christian, you will not see if you do not want to. It is up to you to look at the Activity from outside, and see it as many others do. Who knows, you may become a moderating intelligent force for reformation. You certainly are the only staff member who has the intestinal fortitude to write to us. The others are probably too busy building big homes as evidence to all the younger students how rich you can get when you decree. We challenge you to open your mind, let your Presence guide you to see where the I AM Activity has become what the Masters might not have intended. In reforming it, your time might have been better spent than working out another scam on how to peddle more flowers. And yes, we know where you work. We have our contacts, even in Chicago headquarters.

signed by Christian D. on 7/19/02
Dear Christian and Jenny,

I grasp everything you are trying to say in your website. There was another website, similar to this one, which was online about a year ago, attempting to make the exact point you are trying to make...his entire basis for his point of view, was the book "Psychic Dictatorship in America" which I saw a copy of several years ago. The author of that book explicity LIES about the activity, and distorts the truth. Just because someone publishes a book criticizing something, does not necesarily mean that he/she is telling the truth! One has to go and PROVE it to himself and keep an OPEN MIND about BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE. True, the Messengers "could have" been a huge hoax and so could their teachings...but then again, Bryant "could have" been also :)I researched both sides and quite frankly I dont think that Bryant's arguments hold up to any degree.

The reason I say this, is that I have only expereinced financial success in my life over the past several years. In the previous years I was broke as anyone else might be. However, when I would go to a class, I would FEEL the magnetic currents flowing thru my physical body. I would actually FEEL the raising process occur within my own body. There were many, many, many times that I would experience things that I cannot simply explain, and it was ALWAYS when decreeing or meditating. I have been to churches, prayer sessions, buddhist meditations, etc etc and I NEVER receive specificly what I get from this activity. THAT is what my PROOF is and I had that from Day 1 while reading the books and only later, thru much decreeing, did I start receiving financial success. So, no, my views of the Activity are NOT colored by the fact that I have received the material things that I have decreed for. Because I used to live in a rural area, I never went to classes that often. When I would go, I would go to one of 3 that were within a 2 hour drive for me. EVERY TIME I WOULD GO to any of the local Sanctuaries I would receive the SAME UPLIFTMENT that I would get at the other sanctuaries, or that I would get when decreeing by myself at my home, but would never receive at any other church or activity. I have studied just about every religion on the planet and nothing else appeals to me like this one does. It works FOR ME. The explanation of life that is in those books makes sense TO ME, and I am a better person because of my exposure to them. If someone esle doesnt think that the teachings are real, or if they choose to believe what Bryant says, well I say more power to them.

And regarding your comment that because I like European autos I am "unAmerican" are wrong. What IS "american" is choosing to have what you want in life and having the means to attain it. I have helped many people in my life, both before and after I came into the activity.
I have read a large quantity of the material that was brought forth and I find the later instructions to be quite consistent with the original books and when you claim that "they had to make up lies to go along to explain things" I disagree entirely. There are many people like me who have experienced things the same way I have and that is their proof also. Why would someone spend their entire life in this Activity unless they were getting SOMETHING out of it...especially when you consider that going to class is NOT mandatory, no one MAKES you go to class...if these people were not getting SOMETHING from the Activity that kept their interest? If there was nothing then apparantly they would quit but I know a lot of people that spent a great deal of time in this activity, most of whom are strong-willed people, successful in their chosen field, its not like they are wimpy lame-brained people. These are people who CHOOSE to come to class, and are receiving something they need. We have actually EXCLUDED people from this activity, if we were a money-hungry people-control "cult" then I imagine we would take anybody. I could go line-by-line thru what you have written on this website and show you where you are wrong on every topic. I like the teachings and what the messengers said and I will continue to follow the teachings and if you dont like that then TOO BAD. I could go on and on but I wont because I have better things to do.

And dont worry, I will always try to keep this an intelligent, open discussion, even though you tried to SCARE me using my email address.

Hello once again Christian D,
for the most part you seem like a logical and balanced person, but let me clear up some points where you deviate off into foggy thoughts and feelings. How can you possibly interpret us sending you an inoffensive email as trying to scare you? You left your email address at our website! You make a claim that Gerald Bryan lied about the Ballards. Now I don't know how you can be so sure about this. Any student who supports the Ballards and condemns Bryan obviously has a vested interest in protecting not truth, but faith. Let the St Germain Foundation come out and state on its website why Bryan was wrong and where they get their information from. You will find most of it is 3rd hand heresay. Facts speak for themselves, such as over 95% of students being shocked by Guy Ballard's death, and failure to raise his body of light. That is why the Activity lost its momentum. THe Ballards had just plain old outright lied about all that. Once again, you mention your material success. As we continue to say, if the teachings were 100% truth, and not a quickly concocted soup of values from different religions, then decrees would work reliably for all sincere students. They don't. Students get sick, they get old, they have trouble at work, they don't all drive Mercedes.

But all of this you consider arguable. Even Jenny and I had the metaphysical phenomena in classes you talked about. But like so many others, it stopped 18 months or so after joining, and was replaced with a dead heavy psychic anergic density, as if the veil on the illusion had been finally rended. With each forced droning repetition of anachronistic draconian decrees, it was as if those in the sanctuary giving them, no matter how hard they tried to convince themselves the decrees would work, could not perpetuate the lie anymore. What isn't arguable is that no I AM student has raised their body; not the Ballards, not Gerry Craig, not Lyle Schrock. Let the St Germain Foundation dig a deeper hole with some vague pseudo rationalization of why none of their most valued players have been able to raise their bodies, especially when there are countless references that this will happen for the most sincere and obedient students.

Finally Christian D, you state no one forces anyone to go or stay in the I AM Activity. If you honestly think this, your mind is not able to grasp the not so subtle usurpation of students' wills that has happened to the vast majority of people trying to leave the I AM. You have no experience with these people. We do. You have not opened yourself to look at the totality of the I AM experience. You are not concerned as to what happens to Souls who decide not to continue in the Activty. They are deceitful detritus in the eyes of the St Germain Foundation.

If the Foundation was concerned and compassionate and did not want to interfere with an individual's free will, then they would go through and edit out every reference made by the Ballards stating that leaving the Activity was a failure to live up to the karmic responsibility to one's Presence in this life. There would be no talk about each student having being personally selected by St Germain because their light was so great and we had worked with him in previous lives, and now owed him a great debt by being good students. And they would destroy the tapes made of Edna addressing small crowds at Shasta Springs. They would not perpetuate the nonsense of needing to go to Violet Flame classes at least once a week to keep the outer world out of your ethereal body. They would not say you could not attend classes if you had failed to attend a class for three consecutive weeks, without resitting fundamentals.

Your wealth has blinded you to the psychic harm this rubbish does, but those who leave and have to live with guilt and fear originating from such sinister nonsense do not. It is a sign of the Ballards' inability to grip what love and compassion is that they needed to voice such things. At the end of the day, it was just another psychic control technique they used because they could not convince students to stay based on their successful use of their teachings. If decrees worked, then the Ballards would never have been dragged through the courts for years, and Don would have stayed in the Activity until he raised his body. Ask the old students why he didn't.

signed by Christian D. on 7/17/02
One more Comment:


Although this is a well-designed website, the authors are using many half-truths, paraphrases and bits of incorrect and distorted information that it truly is NOT an objective study on the activity and the teachings!

Hi again Christian D. You haven't quite grasped the subtlety of what we have said in the web site. We are challenging the Ballards, not only on their statements that age could be reversed, but also that by following their advice, one could avoid senescence and illness. I am sure you, like most others attracted to the I AM, are drawn by the promise of health, youth, and wealth. At least your love of prestige European cars, as unAmerican as it is, would seem to say so.

To keep our comments concise and pertinent, we will just respond by saying the Ballards made a lot of promises about enduring youth, raising the body into the Ascension blah blah blah, but then came along and used mollifying qualifiers, such as you have used, about how it would be unwise to allow a 90 yr old to appear younger due to the resentment he/she would attract.

Don't you see Christian D, that the Ballards didn't stop ageing, and no I AM student has? Don't you see Chrisitan D, that the Ballards told lies to draw people into the movement, and then had to later revise what they said? Learned men with calm minds call this change from gross generalization to qualified exception, progressive revelation. It is the last bastion of a liar trying to cover his tracks.

Don't you see Christian D, the Ballards initially taught the purpose of decrees was to set aside time and space, and balance karma, so that health, wealth, and harmony could come through instantaneously? But then, as you rightly point out, the Ballards then changed tact and stated "THEY SAID THAT THE DECREES WOULD BE FULFILLED IN DUE TIME".

If you go back and read the dictations given in the 30s, and compare them with those that came out later, you will see how the Ballards gradually changed tactics. Initially, the world was promised, but as the Ballards themselves grew older and students started dying, Edna had to qualify her original 'sky is the limit' rhetoric. And nothing epitomises the Ballard lies more than the death of Guy Ballard. All I AM students should be made aware that as Guy writhed in pain with a distended abdomen the size of a large watermelon, when offered a picture of St Germain for comfort by a well meaning I AM student, he grabbed it with anger and threw it across the room smashing it against a wall. So much for Guy's body of Light, so much for St Germain's favourite messenger never making a mistake. So much for the Ballard teachings. No wonder over 95% of I AM studetns left the movement when they were shocked to learn Guy died contrary to what he had preached so emphatically.

Finally, you are still a relative newcomer to the I AM Activity, and your opinions seem to have been deeply coloured by the material success you attribute to the I AM Activity. Let me inform you that most I AM students do not have unusual material success. Finally, I would encourage you to investigate the life of Don Ballard and read "Psychic Dictatorship in America" before standing as such a strong advocate of the I AM. And maybe you might like to take a leaf out of Jesus's life and spend more time helping mankind become greater expressions of love and wisdom, and spend less time browsing the brochures of BMW and Mercedes.

Christian and Jenny

signed by Christian D. on 7/17/02

My name is Christian and I have been an I AM Student for 12 years. I have never been asked to give money, nor buy books. As a matter of fact, every piece of material is available to borrow free of charge from the library that the Foundation keeps at their Headquarters located in suburban Chicago IL. They will mail it to you. I have personally visited numerous Sanctuaries and I was an official member of the Staff at Headquarters in 1998, so I feel I am at least partially qualified to speak on this Activity. Anyone who wishes to verify my employment may do so, just contact me first. As a matter of fact, I have been GIVEN a large quantity of material as GIFTS by other I AM Students and Group Leaders. I have never been called, harrassed, bugged, or persuaded to follow this activity or be involved in it by anyone. I found the Activity on my own and pursued it on my own, I will admit that following the teachings are not CONVENIENT in this day and age considering the many things that can distract you but I have had TREMENDOUS success in all areas of my life when I have applied the teachings. I have met a lot of the older I AM Students and they are respectable individuals who seem to lead decent constructive lives. Many of them have a character, youth, vitality and sparkle in their eye that I dont see in other people of their age group. The people who I have known who were Group Leaders, they maintain the Sanctuaries that they lead using money OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET an are NOT to directly ask for financial assistance in maintaining the sanctuary! If these teachings were so incorrect then why do so many people actually continue to lead the groups and pay for the maintenance of the Sanctuaries out of their own free will, despite people who sometimes quit, If one or more people dont follow the rules well that isnt the Activity's fault. Sure there are WIERDOS in this world and if they have tried to be involved in this activity for a time well that still is NOT the fault of the teachings. If so many people are unhappy than they should leave and there are instructions in the Teachings to do so. No one is being held against their will. I have also met many people who have acheived great financial wealth and they attribute it to using the decrees. I myself have also acheived many of the things I have decreed for. I drive a Mercedes Benz and I used to own a BMW, live in a wonderful home, and have a great career. Everyone tells me that I look 10 years younger than I really am. I had a terrible childhood and I used the principles taught in these books and I have seriously improved my life and I am happy. I am a better person from these teachings, and I am going to continue applying them to my life, even if they end up being wrong...I have studied every other religion in the world and I dont see anything in those other religions thats makes an ounce of sense to me, and ATHEISM definatly doesnt appeal to me at all! I have many non-I AM Student friends and they are happy with the way they conduct their life and I am happy with the way I live mine, Im not hurting others and its laughable to think that someone was "hurt" by these teachings. I know of people in the "outer" world who have gotten caught up in drugs, alcohol, gambling etc and these teachings tell people NOT to do such things!

Bottom Line: Im just putting in my 2 cents worth and sharing MY experience with the activity, if someone had a differnet experience then I cant help that. I am happy with these teachings as being the explanation of life and if someone else doesnt feel so then I wish them good fortune trying to find what makes them happy.

signed by robert on 6/19/02
I am not a i am person, but i do know that it seems to be dead, not haveing a lot of followers. If you want to go after something why not greedy people/companys? that rule in 2002 Not something way back in the 1930's?

By greedy people, do you mean the sort that put up websites asking people for money in exchange for telling them they can get money just by willing it into existence? Robert, this is exactly the reason we are exposing the Ballards. Money doesn't fall out of the sky. It is a medium of exchange that is invariably tied to people's time, knowledge, and labour. Sure, God uses others as a channel for supply to come through. But this is not achieved by an individual willing it into being. And this is where the Ballards misled. Their teaching espoused one only had to visualise and feel and believe and decree, and whatever one wanted would come to be. Well, no, it doesn't work like that. No matter how much you try and will something into existence, in the end, it is only what God wills that will come through in answer to decrees or prayers. But the Ballards distorted this subtley and damaged a lot of people in doing so.

signed by Karen Johnson on 6/13/02
I am an ex cut member. You state the Ballards said St Germain would not send messages through anyone else before the Masters come to earth. So who directs the Activity, and what is St Germain's role in a post Ballard world? How do students know St Germain's will, unless all of them are in direct contact. And wouldn't this lead to power struggles and confusion about what St Germain really wants? Does St Germain talk to George Bush or does George have to get his advice from the St Germain Foundation?

good points Karen. From our experience, the St Germain Foundation make the rules up as they go based on a loose collective consensus by the Board of Directors. As to who qualifies to get onto the Board, that seems to be based on popularity of personality. A person as unpopular as Jesus was would not likely make the Board of Directors. Material wealth is a pretty high criterion to qualify for directorship. As to what St Germain wills, it is anybody's guess, as he doesn't give messages for one through another anymore, nor does he personally visit the Board of Directors. Which is sort of paradoxical, as it puts the onus back on the individual to communicate with the masters directly; which rules out the need for an autocratic St Germain Foundation.

signed by anonimous on 6/9/02
If I knew of someone who did "Break the natural law of Ageing" what makes you think that I'd be low enough to ultimatly SELL this person off to you. I am NOT a student,(although know many, which goes to show that they are not dependant on their own circle of friends) but I do think that your accusations are laughable. There is no difference between the I AM activity and other more popular religions such as Christianity and Judism.

Thankyou 'Miss Chuppachup' for informing us that your friends, the I AM students of Sydney, Australia, have also failed to achieve the Ballard miracles. At great risk of restating the obvious, we are not trying to 'buy' anything; the $10,000 is a free gift to those who aren't as adept at pulling money out of thin air,like the Ballards said you can (but never did themselves). I shall let rationality guide others in comparing the Ballards' love of gold, aspirations to parade around in flash cars and clothes, and dine at lavish banquets with Hollywood stars, against the lives of Jesus, Buddha, Shankara, or Moses.

signed by Garry Knight on 5/30/02
Good to see someone exposing the truth behind this sort of stuff.

signed by Mi Mi on 5/27/02

I was 10 when I was introduced to the "I AM" presence via my grandparents in the early 60's,
Most people in my family didn't seem to understand what my grandmother found, she went from Baptist, to Christian Science and Science of mind through out the 1920's 30's and 40's.

My experiences are not negative, I felt a tremendous amount of love and a truth that touched my heart from the experience.

I beleive that either you are ready to understand something or you are not. My grandmother past away 18 years ago with a vision of ascension in her heart, my grandfather passed away 16 years ago believing she had been swept up in a cult.

All I can say, is I felt no confusion, or evil, or having been mislead,I viewed life through a child's heart, although, I have no miracles to speak of, I send mycompassion to those who seemed to have suffered via this activity.

This was an interesting site, one that I have been looking for for years....thanks for giving me an opportunity to share.


thanks Mimi, I appreciate your feedback. We agree that most students are beautiful people; before during and after I AM involvement. The dichotomy of values between your grandparents is very common. We have found the I AM appeals much more to women. After talking with many couples, the reason appears that men, via economic necessity, cannot afford to compromise on a belief system such as the I AM, which promises financial success but rarely delivers in the timely manner it promotes without reservation.

On the other hand, historically women, not being primary bredwinners, have been more compromising in accepting unfulfilled decrees.

You speak of your I AM experience in the past tense, which alludes you are no longer a student. The I AM Activity promotes itself as a religion for life, much like the Catholic church. And to use it as a stepping stone to other teachings is not its purpose. The Ballards were vehement about this and condemmed students who walked away from what they promoted as the highest teaching on the planet. This is where most of the guilt comes from. Maybe you were lucky not to have become too sincere a believer, which might explain why you felt little compunction when walking away.

signed by Leon on 5/23/02
Great site and full of insight.  The more research this (my wife is a student) the more laugh out loud funny some of their beliefs are.  How do you get them to see this though?  I know my wife would do what the one gentleman did and just start spouting out more decrees, but I'm gonna send it to her anyway. Thanks!!

Thanks Leon. I don't recommend using negative means to help students see things objectively. Students' ego strength is too firmly entrenched in the beliefs for that. I think it would help for her to read Bryan's book, talk with compassionate ex students, & understand no student has ever attained any of the four major miracles of the Activity. But the most important point is to provide her with a spiritual outlet that expresses more love, compassion, and social normality than the I AM Activity. You see, jumping out of a belief is similar to jumping off a ship. It is hard to do unless you see a life raft.

Most students don't know other students who have achieved miracles in the I AM. They just assume they exist in other sanctuaries. When you travel around to many sanctuaries, as we have, you find this is just not true; all sanctuaries have the same level of failure to achieve the four miracles.

When you think your wife might be open to counselling, you could contact Joe Szimhart in Philadelphia through He has the most experience in deconditioning I AM students.

We are currently working on a strategy to help students see the inconsistencies in the teaching, and help them make the jump with the least psychological damage. We should have this on the web before mid July.

signed by Tine on 5/4/02
Thank You!
For providing a site for exposure of all these things,
I am an ex CUT staff member of
12 1/2 years, I appreciate that
some people care enough to EXPOSE
all this JUNK, others need to know.

signed by Bradley David on //
Greetings! Today, May 1st, 2002,
being the 318 year anniversary of the ASCENSION of our dearly Beloved
Ascended Master Saint Germain, I
hereby dedicate this timely DECREE
appropriately for this particular
the Invincible Hand of God into
outer physical action, to silence
the tongue, the pen, and the mental
and feeling world of every human
being on the Earth who is opposed
to, wants to cast discredit upon, or attempts to interfere with
Beloved Saint Germain's "I AM"
Activities, or those under this
Radiation! Swifter than lightning,
right now, this instant, everywhere
forever! "ALMIGHTY I AM"! (3)
(Decree #10, Set K, Page 273, from
the "I AM" Decree Sets A-18). In
loving gratitude to the ONLY three
Accredited Messengers...Mr. & Mrs.
Guy Warren, Edna Anne (Wheeler) and
their son Donald for their strength
and courage, inspiration, illumined
obedience and MIGHTY TRUTH of the
ever given to humanity; may those being harmfully led astray be now
lovingly SHOCKED AWAKE to return to the 'LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FAILS,' before it is too late!---Bradley; An Ascended Master Student (under the radiation of the 'original' pattern of the "I AM" Activity)during the tenure of the Beloved Ballard's. "GOD BLESS AMERICA," and GOD BLESS BELOVED
his untiringly obedience and Divine
Service to the God Ideals for which
He has represented to the Earth for

signed by Sally on 4/28/02
I love these sites exposing fraudlant spiritual hucksters like the Ballards. As an ex CUT member, I can still remember the day I first read about the sickening I AM activity on Factsource, the grandaddy site for truth regarding these matters. We all need people like you to do this valuable job. Thanks for the interesting read.

signed by charles dietzel on 4/28/02
i am an exCUTter, CUT being one of the groups that claimed the mantle of St Gee and others after the Ballards faded away.  your site is valuable and i commend you for your efforts.  keep up the good work

signed by Victor on 4/27/02
You site intrigues me... after many years of studying the different messengers I AM interested in much more about their personal lives  how does one get your book????

signed by Hubi€ on 4/25/02
Good stuff. Sounds a lot like CUT!Many things I experienced in CUT flashed back on me while surfing this site! Way to go. Thanks.

signed by Barry Greer on 4/24/02
Is your offer of $10,000 for real?

Yes Barry it is. We KNOW what we say is true. Guy and Edna Ballard were emphatic they were telling the truth.

So let the St Germain Foundation or any Ballard follower prove us wrong. If they can't, then let mankind judge the Ballards accordingly.

signed by Bob Johnson on 4/15/02
Dear People, I knew an I AM student and was there for her death, and she could see her Christ Self coming down. from the I AM Presence. So there you go, I also do not know of any one how has been to"heaven or Hell", as the christians call it. So i looks like it's an even score, if that's what you are doing. Respectuflly, Bob

Bob, the ‘near death experience’ literature is full of acounts of non I AMers seeing a Christ Self at death. There are also literally thousands of NDE accounts of people experiencing what they felt was heaven or hell. The Tibetans have literature 5000 years old describing similar occurances. We are not necessarily pro or anti Christian. We just have problems with the Ballards who made so many claims they possessed the complete truth, but never fulfilled it in their own lives.

signed by Harry on 4/11/02
This is an important site. I agree with what you are trying to accomplish here. I went along to the fundamentals in the I AM Activity but just couldn't get over the feeling that something didn't quite add up about it all. I will be interested to read more of what you have to say.

signed by Karen Rhode on 4/11/02
Thankyou very much for posting this site. My brother was in the I AM Activity for 3 years and he definitely had a difficult time trying to get back into mainstream society after believing so strongly that the Masters would provide all for him if he just did enough decrees.

I think if he had read your site before he got involved with the I AM Activity, he would have been more discerning.

Keep up the good work.
